Modifying our network is a significant task that requires extensive planning, coordination, engineering and construction.

Modification process

Our modification process outlines the typical steps involved in project assessment and delivery. The process provides some flexibility to meet customer requirements for individual projects, where possible.

Please note there are costs involved for activity beyond the initial enquiry stage. These are the responsibility of the party requesting the change.

To enquire about modifications, complete the modification enquiry checklist and email it to 

Planning a modification

This advice covers project approvals, easement acquisition, incentive scheme payments and contractual agreements.

Modification Processes Agreement (MPA)

An MPA sets out the scope of work, charge rates, and the terms under which Transgrid will complete the work. A separate or amended MPA is required for each stage of the process.

Our standard MPA is available upon request from 

Technical requirements

Our Line Modification team can advise on the design and arrangement of modifications to existing assets. Advice will vary depending on factors including:

  • geographical location
  • proximity of existing Transgrid transmission lines, switching stations or substations
  • criticality to the network of the transmission line/s that you are seeking to modify
  • our required reliability standards (i.e. n, n-1 etc)
  • geological nature of the site/s identified for construction of any required asset.

Proposed modifications must not reduce network reliability or security. 

We cannot accept modification works proposals from external providers concerning our regulated transmission network.

Easement and property issues

Any network modification that requires changes to the existing freehold land or easements arrangements will require the same or greater property rights to be granted to Transgrid.

The obligation to acquire and transfer these new property rights rests with the party requesting the modification.

The following applies to transmission line relocations:

  • Easements for Transgrid owned lines are to be negotiated and paid for by the customer.
  • Easements may be registered in Transgrid’s name once all necessary agreements are in place. Further detail can be found in our Easement Guide.
  • Suitable laydown and preconstruction areas for transmission lines

(These requirements are indicative only and not intended to be exhaustive.)

There may be different property requirements if your network modification involves switching stations, substations and/or communications network assets. These will be discussed on a project specific basis.

Environmental and developmental approvals

Before we start construction, you must:

  • provide the necessary approved environmental and development documents
  • make sure any land where construction will take place (including the new easement, access tracks, construction pads) is cleared of environmental constraints (vegetation, heritage items, demolition works etc.) and ready for construction to start.

Standard conditions of approval and assessment do not always meet Transgrid technical design standards or cover all land necessary to complete a project. We recommend you discuss the requirements with us before making your approval submissions to the relevant authorities. This can help you avoid significant time delays and costs.

The development approvals typically include (but are not limited to):

  • new transmission towers or poles and associated access rights
  • modifications or restringing work for existing towers. This may include a need to provide level, cleared areas so that work can be carried out safely in the vicinity of the existing structures.

If you have requested the modification, you must provide all environmental and development approvals.

Transgrid does not use self-determining rights under the New South Wales Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for non-prescribed projects, such as modifications.

The project schedule may need to be discussed if modifications are required to your submissions or existing approvals. Alternatively, there may be additional cost implications for design solutions that allow Transgrid to cater for existing approvals that do not meet our requirements.

TNSP Incentive Scheme Payments

Network modifications often require a scheduled outage. In these circumstances, the customer is responsible for reimbursing Transgrid for any loss of incentive payments from the Electricity Transmission Network Service Providers Service Target Performance Incentive Scheme.

The scheme incentivises TNSPs to minimise the impact of network outages on dispatch of electricity to the National Electricity Market.

Details of the TNSP Incentive Scheme can be found on the AER website.

The current TNSP Incentive Scheme (Version 5) has been in effect since October 2015.