Welcome to Transgrid’s System Security Roadmap

Transgrid is building NSW’s new energy superhighway, while ensuring the safety, reliability and security of our existing system – which powers millions of homes and businesses.

This Roadmap outlines our three-pillar plan to transform the state’s power system and ensure the secure operation of the grid, at up to 100% instantaneous renewables, over the next decade. It covers:

  • Energy Reliability – How we will develop large-scale transmission infrastructure to support new renewable generation and storage as coal generators retire.
  • System Security – How we will deploy system security infrastructure and services to keep the grid operating within a safe technical envelope.
  • Operability – How we will develop our people, processes and tools to meet the increased volume and complexity of work to plan, manage and operate a grid powered by renewables.

Let’s work together to make a better power system for Australians.

System Security Roadmap video explainer

Watch our video explainer as we go through the three critical pillars in our System Security Roadmap, including initiatives to accelerate the deployment of transmission infrastructure, the delivery of system strength services and infrastructure, the delivery of operational technology tools and initiatives to improve and secure skills and training for the energy industry.

Download the publication
Marie Jordan system strength

Marie Jordan, Executive General Manager - Network

Marie Jordon talks about the complex challenges ahead as coal generation continues to retire and outlines the plan and investments required to overcome these challenges to enable the secure operation of the grid at up to 100 per cent instantaneous renewables.

System Security Roadmap


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