Transgrid has submitted its first disclosure statement to the Energy Charter’s Independent Accountability Panel. The disclosure statement reflects TransGrid’s performance against the principles of the Charter, and highlights work being done to improve outcomes for customers and energy consumers.
04 October 2019
Transgrid welcomes feedback from the Energy Charter’s Independent Accountability Panel on how we can improve the services we provide to consumers, and how we present our information in future disclosures.
The Energy Charter is a positive industry-led initiative, and TransGrid is a proud signatory.
The Panel will be meeting with company leaders in mid October, and their final summary report will be released 29 November 2019.
For more information on the Charter and to read our disclosure, visit our Energy Charter page.
To learn more about the Energy Carter and read all company disclosures visit the Panel’s website.
Media enquiries: Kristina Zarich 0439 448 268 /