Latest update

The Amendment Report, Submissions Report and Enabling Works Management Plan have been lodged

Transgrid lodged HumeLink’s Amendment Report and Submissions Report with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) in May 2024. The Department has now made the reports publicly available on the NSW Major Projects Planning Portal.

The Submissions Report responds to the submissions made during the public exhibition period of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

The Amendment Report assesses amendments and refinements made in response to community and stakeholder feedback received on the EIS, ongoing design refinements and further construction planning. 

In June 2024, Transgrid lodged the Revised Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) and the response to the NSW Biodiversity, Conservation and Sciences group (BCS) submission with the DPHI. The Revised BDAR documents potential biodiversity impacts that might occur during construction or operation of the proposed transmission line, substations and associated temporary or permanent infrastructure. The reports should be read together as they cross-reference one another.

The Revised BDAR has been recognised as one of the largest biodiversity assessment reports completed in NSW to date, highlighting the complexity and extent of the assessment. Due to this complexity, the Revised BDAR and the BCS submission were lodged separately from the Amendment Report and Submissions Report.

The Enabling Works Management Plan (EWMP) was also lodged with the DPHI in June 2024. The EWMP outlines how the enabling works will be completed. The enabling works are required to prepare the work sites before main construction begins. They involve establishing construction compounds, accommodation facilities, road works for new or existing access tracks and utility relocations.

This staged lodgement of submissions and reports was delivered in consultation with the DPHI and is consistent with the approach adopted on other recent transmission projects.

Following the lodgement of these documents, the project has entered into the assessment and determination stage. The DPHI will review all the information provided in the EIS, Submissions Report and Amendment Report and make a final determination on the project.  

If you have any questions about the Amendment Report, Submissions Report or the EWMP, contact the project team via email or phone 1800 317 367.


HumeLink is a new 500kV transmission line which will connect Wagga Wagga, Bannaby and Maragle.

It is one of the state’s largest energy infrastructure projects, with about 365 km of proposed new transmission lines, and new or upgraded infrastructure at four locations.

Why do we need HumeLink?

To meet our future energy demands, Australia needs to transition to a greater mix of low-emission renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. HumeLink will deliver a more reliable and more sustainable grid by increasing the amount of renewable energy that can be delivered across the national electricity grid, helping to transition Australia to a low carbon future.

Project benefits:

  • Reliable power: NSW households will have greater access to reliable and affordable electricity
  • Economic growth: HumeLink will unlock the full capacity of the expanded Snowy Hydro Scheme and enable greater sharing of energy across the eastern states.
  • Cleaner, sustainable future: HumeLink will enable more renewable energy generation to enter the market, supporting Australia’s emissions reduction targets
  • Jobs and opportunities: the project will create more than 1600 construction jobs
  • Economic growth: contribute to economic activity in regional NSW, generating major benefits for local communities along the route.

Project objectives

When completed, HumeLink aims to:

  • Increase the transfer capacity between southern NSW and major load centres within NSW (Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong)
  • Reinforce stability and reliability of the transmission network
  • Facilitate transition of the network to new generation sources


  • Investigation of project options - Completed

    From 2019

  • Regulatory Investment Test (RIT-T) process - Completed

    From 2019, completed 2021

  • 1 km study corridor identified - Completed

    Early 2020

  • Community and landowner consultation - In progress

    Early 2020

    Community Consultative groups established late 2021

  • Environmental, field and technical studies - In progress

    From 2021 to 2023

  • Refined 200 m corridor announced - Completed

    Mid 2022

  • Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) issued - Completed

    Mid 2022

  • Underground Feasibility Study - Completed

    Mid 2022

  • NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s public display of Environmental Impact Statement - Completed

    September 2023

  • Project Submissions Report and Amendment Report to NSW Department of Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure - Completed

    First half 2024

  • Planning approvals obtained from State and Commonwealth governments - Proposed


  • Preparatory works, site establishment and early works - Proposed

    Late 2024

  • Construction works starts on transmission lines and substations - Proposed


  • Construction finishes - Proposed


Local Business Register

We are interested in hearing from sole traders and businesses in the region that could provide a variety of products or services including engineering, design, general trades, administration, and Indigenous and support services. We’re also keen to hear from catering, accommodation, graphic design and printing services.

If you have a local business in the following Local Government Areas and are interested in working on the HumeLink Project, we would love to hear from you- simply complete our online form via the below link:

  • Upper Lachlan Shire
  • Yass Valley Council
  • Snowy Valleys Council
  • Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council
  • Wagga Wagga City Council, or
  • Goulburn Mulwaree
  • Hilltops Council

Local employment and supplier opportunities for HumeLink East and HumeLink West will be made widely available in the coming months.

The information collected will be shared with major construction contractors as planning progresses and opportunities arise. The local business register will also be the project teams’ first port of call when we are looking to procure goods and services at various stages of the project.

Please note, registering your interest does not guarantee employment.

Contact Us

  • Toll-free phone number: 1800 317 367
  • Email: 
  • Mail: HumeLink Community Engagement Team, PO BOX A1000, Sydney South NSW 1235

30 August 2023

Communities encouraged to respond to EIS for critical transmission project HumeLink

Landowners, community members and other stakeholders are encouraged to respond to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) published today for the HumeLink project.


25 October 2022

Transgrid welcomes strategic payments for landowners hosting new transmission

Transgrid has welcomed the NSW Government’s Strategic Benefit Payments scheme for new major transmission projects, which will support the transition to renewable energy and the supply of cheaper, cleaner and more reliable electricity for consumers.

Energy Transition

17 August 2022

Australian Energy Regulator approves early works funding for HumeLink

Transmission infrastructure leader Transgrid has welcomed the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) approval of all of the requested funding for Stage 1 (early works) of the HumeLink Project.